Good being goal and mission focussed!

I think if I didn’t have my loving pleasant Mom to help me through the last little while I would have been a bigger blob or mess. This is a shout out to those that give of themselves freely to let good charges shine.

Letting go of societal goals and expectations, or familial ones, or personal ones to create an expectationless clearing in which the seed that we are meant to be can grow without hinderance is no easy feat. I love that Mom confronts her comparison demons, adopted beliefs from family and society, and intentionally questions what is in service of what I/we are creating.

Joy, Peace, and Love can’t exist when on the hamster wheel of doing what is expected of you, especially when against your inner knowing of what is best. I think a lot of good humans would be happier if they got present to, and acted consistent with, what brings them Joy, Peace, and Love. Much like our ability to be present to when we have had enough to eat has been lost, so has that inner trust of ourselves been lost in the face of seeking external approval and acceptance.

Joy, Peace, and Love are a creation! They are created from within.


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