Energy Channels Through Me

I am going to attempt to share how my body feels and responds when I am being given energetic information to embody, transmute, or deliver to the World. I just want to say, first, that my body responds the way MY body responds. Others may have a different experience altogether. My hope is, that in hearing my experience, you will have greater compassion and understanding for the gifted individuals in your life who may also get caring downloads from higher consciousness.

Getting a download feels different than getting pulled to energetically assist others in a crisis. The latter is a pull, a drain, and doesn’t require me to integrate high frequency information into my earthly meat sack. The latter is pure giving and leaves me drained. The latter is something I have learned to balance, pick and choose, and adjust based on the intensity of the situation. Living through the pandemic and getting my liver transplanted have taught me to look out for mySelf, and body, in a big way.

Being a vessel to support the bringing forth of a New World – based in unity, not separation – includes going through my own evolution. Getting equipped to bring a higher frequency energy to the good dense Earth, has been a serious business of 100% being comfortable in my body, allowing me to stay present here when being inundated with higher frequency information.

Even with all the work I have done to get my great essence into this body, there are times where I feel like my body just can’t hold it. As I’ve described in previous posts, I walk a fine line between regulated and dysregulated using all the strategies I have to maintain my composure. It doesn’t take much to tip me over the edge.

So, when the Powers that Be choose to send me a big loving, full of mission fulfilling information, download, my body lovingly goes over that edge. I must move and jump and express sounds that look to the outsider like I am in distress. It is stressful for my body, but fulfilling for my soul. Chaos on the outside helps me bring all that life-affirming energetic information here to the planet.

Love is allowing Joy to express itself without judgement, being genuinely curious about what my experience is, and letting go of constraints imposed by society around good productive contributions to it. Only I get to say if I’m giving my all to Life and this Earth.

Yours in Grace and Power,

Good Grief, We are Here!

This is not your typical blog asking for recognition as a cognitively intact human. This is more. There are plenty of my peers getting loud and proud, advocating for our human rights. I want to ensure you get familiar with their guided purpose beyond that.

I can only speak for me, and I have encountered enough of my peers to confidently say that lots of them are tapped in, like me. We all experience the World through the body, sensory system, and ancestry we chose to inhabit in this life. The lessons we learn, and the lessons we bring, are all in service of forwarding humanity.

I’ve spent the last number of years, learning to get into my body and bring my brand of badass loving energy to the Earth.
I was a master of giving beyond space and time, until MY body needed to be the one receiving. It took everything to stop my natural inclination to seek out those who need to be lifted and held energetically, and to get more centered in myself and my body.

Now I choose where that glorious loving light goes, and live more fully here. Our individual journey’s may be different, and my peers may, or may not, be conscious of gifts that they have, AND we are all here in service of Love, Joy, and Peace.
It is about time for the soup of emotion of the World to lighten up!

I love you,

Trust Your Gut

Caring to set up some Badass Love and Good Peace in your life and choices? Finding it difficult to discern what is best for you or your family, or IN your family? Thoughts and information going round and round in your head and you can’t figure out what you believe given the barrage of opinion from your environment? Or, your beliefs adopted and so ingrained feel like they are steering you away from what deep down you know about yourself and the World?

Let me tell you, guts have a superpower if you can quiet down and listen. Leading with your gut and heart you can NOT go wrong! It is when those dastardly thoughts creep in and get you trapped into following them that you are likely to step in kaka.

I get it. Knowledge is power, yada yada. AND knowledge that is just information you know right now can get the mind gremlins going crazy with those all too familiar doubts, how abouts, and what ifs.

Letting go and trusting your instinct with no back-up research, proof, seeing-is-believing-ness is getting you out on the skinny branches. Safety is the known and comfortable, back towards the trunk. However, growth is happening on the skinny branches. Stop hugging the trunk!

All this to say, Trust Your Gut! The gut you came into this World with, that has been covered with the bark of adopted beliefs, decisions to keep you safe from a World filled with opinion and judgement, and what you currently know. That gut’s life force is out on those skinny branches reaching and creating, known and guided by all that has gone before, AND not restrained by it.

Freedom, possibility, and peacefulness are your gut’s gifts to you. Be quiet and tap in.


Being Me means Channeling the Divine

Can you suspend all your knowing of who we are as humans walking the Earth, and take a deep belly breath? I’m ready to let you fully into my perception of the World from inside this uncontrollable body I inhabit.

Caring to share as I believe I am not unique and my peers may not be able to articulate well how our systems are loaded constantly with higher frequency energy and information. I have spent the last several years working to both better be able to channel this gargantuin new information through this skin bag, and to be more able to let it be such that I can fulfill my intended purpose here.

I hope you will stick around with open hearts and minds to receive what I am going to attempt to convey over the next while. I trust you are ready to hear me and challenge your own adopted and acquired beliefs. Let’s get busy shifting the energy of this dense planet from fear and survival to love and possibility, shall we!

With Love and Trust,

Mom and Creating Space

Sometimes I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the being that I walk in this World with.

I am not an easy loving dude to parent or partner. What I mean by that is I am so sensitive to the emotions of others and my body gets quite dysregulated in line with the intensity of those emotion. My body can flare up in an instant, in line with the intensity of the emotions I am feeling from an individual or group. I am already so close to the edge, given the emotions of fear, anger, and grief that I swim in from the World as a whole.

Imagine going for a swim in dense, obstacle filled, soup. You keep your head up by sheer will. Then a wave of intense anger washes over you. You can’t help but flail to rise up and breathe again. This is what it feels like for me. I tread those “waters”, maintaining control over my body by sheer presense of my miraculously loving heart. Then I get washed away by a wave, and grapple for control once more.

As I started to write this blog, I got so thrown by my own intense desire to communicate with you that I lost control of my body. That looks like me smushing Mom’s face, pinching her cheek, and slapping her back. I receive from her only calm, focus and determination from her for us to find a balance once more. Her field of loving intention so potent I can dip into her well to help me back in control. That is unconditional love in action for ya!

I can not recall a day where Mom was not clear that her job was to be a space for me. Going back pre-communication, she was estute enough to notice how intense emotions lit my body alight. It was pretty darn obvious and could have been overlooked if she wasn’t as present as she was.

Giving me a space to be, got to be a constant that drove my parent’s lives. Internal reflections through personal development work kept opening up a space for me. Working with my support team to be more loving with themselves as well. This all before I could communicate with them this connection regarding my body’s “behaviour”.

Lately, Mom has been taking this to a whole new level. Going deeply into her ingrained and inherited stories and beliefs, and clearing out any limits on her ability to be a space of belief, calm, and joy. Energetically, she has been upgrading herself , both for me and for herself. I can not adequately express the difference this loving act of integrity, responsibility, and total voluminous love means. Going back to my soup analogy, it is sort of like having a caring breathing buddy, and even more than that a breathing bubble around us that can weather the waves more effectively.

I can not express how important having an environment inside which I can be loved, supported, and lifted up has meant. Mom and Dad have always placed such importance on this, wanting me to have that space to grow into myself (not society’s ideas of who I should be). I hope this blog allows more families to embrace this gift of creating space – physically, emotionally, energetically – for my peers, themselves, and each other.

With love,

I get bagged when dealing with people’s buried emotions.

Good people think that if they just shove their uncomfortable or “ugly” emotions down they are sparing us sensitive types from the emotion soup surrounding them. This is done out of caring or love, or their own discomfort with the emotion.

Agitation of my system comes from many places. One significant place is when your outsides don’t match your insides. Good BS Detectors like me, can feel what you yourself may be hiding from yourself. Our gentle loving gift is to hold up a mirror in front of you, not literally! We find a trigger that drives a buried or hidden emotion out. Our invitation is for you to see it, acknowledge it, and maybe let it go with some love and compassion for the you that couldn’t give it space.

Letting go of imprinted fears, handed down through generations stops perpetuating a World driven by fear, anger, and guilt. Each one of us who interrupts this fear-reaction loop in ourselves is creating a World of intention, creation and love. You could say that choice of response, in the moment of a trigger, is the highest form of love for yourself and the World.

Being like me, and I promise if you are reading this you have someone in your life just like me in the BS Detector Crew, is challenging and a blessing. We feel everything deeply, have a deep capacity for empathy, and want to release those around us from the suffering that accompanies lower emotional states (felt or repressed). Our challenge is when people think our loops, actions, etc. are not some reflection and ignore them… thus perpetuating the loop.

Granted, some loops and impulses of ours started as coping strategies to deal with sensory overload. Some are strategies we still employ to help us remain regulated in this sea of emotion and cacophony of sensory input. The loops, impulses and actions I’m referring to are the ones that you are not 100% comfortable with. Our invitiation is your discomfort, dive in there and love yourself in all your glorious imperfection.. and maybe, just maybe… that which triggered discomfort won’t anymore and may lessen or disappear.

I packed a lot in here so would not be surprised if you are left with questions or “what abouts…”. I would love to keep deepening this conversation, so please fire away.

Love and respect,

Image by Bruno from Pixabay

Two years of new life!

I am grateful to be celebrating my two year liverversary. I love deeply and going through this giant, badass surgery gave me a lot of appreciation for the good in this World.

A myriad of people all pulling and working together replaced my lemon of a liver with my Lyver! “Lyver” is a nod to the super human part momma who gave love, and most of her liver (70%) to me. Don’t worry, hers and mine, have generated new cells and grown to full size. The body is a miraculous thing.

Recently, a fellow non-speaker and advocate got his wings after a seizure left him on life support. His family chose to give his organs to others and carry on his legacy. His gave life to so many, and I’m not just talking about those who received his organs. Nick’s life was about changing the lives of his peers for the better. I admire his dedication, passion, and the village of amazing people who have surrounded and supported him and his family.

Going places more heavenly than here, Nick’s story has reached an audience far wider than his good advocacy work that came before. Being an observer from afar, I am appreciating the ripples as they spread wide and far. Eyes opening to the gift that nonspeaking autistics are, and the impact one human can have in the community. Eyes opening to the gift an organ donation can make.

While I did not know Nick personally, I am tied to his story and am grateful for his grace and gifts. Our community will stand on his very broad shoulders, and ensure his gifts are remembered.

I am attaching this link, for you to get to know Nick. One of the many articles written about him and the change he has brought to the World. Additionally, if you are so moved, here is a link to a GoFundMe that will allow his work to continue. Please drop $2, $20, $25, or a ‘whatever brings you joy’ donation in honour of my liverversary and Nick’s gift of life. To learn more about what it takes to be a “living donor” (how I received my new lyver), please follow this link.

Grateful and blessed,

Cover Image from:

Good to be getting back to me

You may notice there has been a significant gap since I last posted a blog. Can I just say it has been a challenging time for me over these past few years. I did not want to bore my listeners with repetitive musings about the state of the world’s emotional soup and the drain on me wading in it day after day.

Being me comes with a myriad of challenges, and my biggest challenge is how gosh darn sensitive I am. My badass body has been through the ringer going from navigating life being an energetic warrior for good with a cirrhotic liver to being a transplant patient discovering my new “normal”.

I let go of a ton of the work I used to do in advocacy, education, and energetically. I tried hard to keep doing that which I am here for – creating Joy, Love, and Peace – and even had to pull way back on that work energetically. Being challenged to find a balance where I could not only survive, but be my contributing self has been my mission of late.

Baring in mine that going through living with a cirrhotic liver, dealing with the fatigue that causes, then navigating the downhill slide from there to life saving transplant surgery is already a toll for those that do not have the motor and sensory difference that come with nonspeaking autism, I have crushed life! My new “normal” is going to be balanced more towards making a difference in ways that truly inspire me. I just don’t have the energy to spare for anything anyone thinks I should do.

Being me is making my kind of difference in the world, while taking care of my body and energy.

I hope you will stay tuned.


image credit: Image by Smith from Pixabay

“Part” Momma… All Extraordinary Human

Think about it! Would you be an automatic yes if someone you knew needed a part of one of your organs?

Joy is getting my new part from a gorgeous giving soul like Lydia. Not only was Lydia an automatic yes, horses could not have kept her away (ask her husband, Dave)! Just knowing I would eventually require a transplant, curious Lydia asked about my blood type and, being a match, offered her giant-hearted self as a possible donor more times than I can count on one hand, in the years preceding my listing for liver transplant.

I am eternally grateful for my “part” and for the family I am now a part of in a roundabout way.

Once I was listed and live donation confirmed as an option, all seemed to be aligned to make it happen. Testing appointments for Lydia somehow got scheduled in a way that fit miraculously well into a complex family of five calendar, requiring no jigging or reworking of her scheduling puzzle. Not to say that it didn’t require effort on the part of Lydia to make it work, however with the complexity of pieces of her scheduling puzzle it felt easy for her to fit the appointments in. I think I was the only one to create a wrinkle in the carefully crafted plan. But even then the world organized itself to support Lydia’s loving gift.

With that said, why would someone choose to go through major surgery when a deceased donor was a possiblity? Well here is the clinical reason.

a) It allows for less worry going into a life or death situation. Everyone can be prepared and relatively calm. Really a calm experience versus a call to rush in coming at any time.
b) With the ability to schedule the surgery, it can be scheduled before the health of the recipient is failing too badly. Healthier before transplant can make recovery easier.

But you must be wondering, what were Lydia’s reasons? So I asked her!

Gosh, you ask good questions Jordyn.  Here’s the truth.  My knee jerk reaction was “Ill do it” when I heard about your situation. That’s my mom impulse right there. I just wanted to help you. I know as a parent we want to be the ones to help our kids no matter what. In a case like yours, neither of your parents were able to be your donor (you can explain why if you like)

Learning that a living donor is what the doctors were hoping to have for you, and once I had educated myself on all the reasons why it would be best to go that route, I knew I wanted to be tested. They wanted you to have the best chance by making sure you received a healthy liver. What I got out of it was confirmation that I’m in excellent health (as you know I had been tested for everything under the sun). When Dr. C called me to let me know that he and the surgical team reviewed all of my tests, scans and medical history, he said they had a checkmark for everything they needed for you to have the best chance for a successful surgery. They just needed to hear me say yes. So, I said “absolutely”. 

I love you, I love your family.  I hated what you were all going through. I am grateful that I had the support of my family and friends to be able to help.  After all that, my reasons for doing this is really simple – I just wanted to help.” 

I also can’t share the experience from the donor perspective, so asked Lydia to let us into her world a little by sharing her experience.

“Aside from giving birth, being a live donor is the only other miracle I have ever been a part of.
It is absolutely mind blowing! A part of my liver (67% to be exact) is now in your body.  My 33% is back to 100% and your 67% has/or is on its way to 100% original size!!! Miracle for sure!
I’ve been humbled by the testing process. At every appointment I’d look around the waiting room and notice that I was one of the very few people that was there by choice. Being placed in an MRI for over an hour can be scary. But, I quickly realized how many people are having the same test but waiting to find out “What  is it? How bad? How long?” I was just waiting to see if my liver was big enough for donation. That’s it! What was I scared about? So, I focused on gratitude. Grateful for my health and grateful that I was able to help!”

Given Lydia’s answers I had to ask “What did your parents do right to make you such a great human?”, because parents everywhere are now curious.

“Tough question Jordyn. I’ll try my best to answer it. 

I grew up in a family that didn’t wait to be asked for help. If someone was moving, we’d offer to help. Each weekend we would be at someone’s house helping with something. Pickling vegetables, pruning trees, making sausages etc. and one weekend a month, the other families would come to our house and help with our projects. Everyone could use a hand (or a liver ;)) at some point. It’s such a relief when someone just shows up. 

I also want to set an example for my children. I want them to be brave. To learn about all the different ways we can help others.” 

It then followed to ask “Being a mom of 3, how nice was it to have some only you time on drives for testing and while in recovery?”

Being a mom means being secondary in your own life. For me, x 3!

I love going for drives, especially alone.

Traveling to and from appointments gave me a lot of time to reflect on all the amazing things in my life and how much I have to be grateful for. It also reminded me how much I hate the Gardiner Expressway, traffic, gridlock and pay parking! That Toronto traffic took my Zen away.

I did appreciate the alone time though. I could hear my stomach growling over the music. A lot of the tests required fasting. Anyone who knows me, knows that was likely the hardest part for me.

Recovery was a bit lonely to be honest. With Covid protocols in place, I had no visitors. The first 24 hours after surgery was a lot of sleep. Day 2 was time to get moving to get out of there. I missed my family and my fridge. The food was so bad as you know. I was home on the morning of day 5.

So not recommended as an escape from everyday then, but busy moms have to find their alone time wherever and whenever they can (wink). Speaking of recovery, Lydia told me that her expected time in hospital was a week. So getting out so fast tells you what a badass she is. In her own words she shares how the staff was impressed with her toughness.

I went for my first walk the day after surgery with the occupational therapist and a nurse.  It was tough. It felt as if I had done 10,000 sit ups!  They were impressed but, the staff around the floor were shocked. As I completed a lap around my floor, I got lots of “wows” and “ way to go”, etc.  
I wanted to start walking because they kept emphasizing how important it was to my recovery, to prevent blood clots, etc.  I’m pretty sure they didn’t think I was going to actually walk. But I was up and walking! Albeit, at wounded slug speed, but I was walking! 

As I said above, I am grateful and blessed to be the new home for this badass’ “part”. What I want you most to be left with is the gift and joy of giving. Being badass is all about heart! My “part” momma is a good example of badass heart of giving in spades.

Joyful recipient and caring badass,

For information on being a Living Donor visit:

Creating Space for Being Me

More and more I get present to the gift of a life I am leading. You may think that is a bit backwards … an 18 year old non-speaking autistic transplant recipient who thinks these challenges are a gift? Well I am clear that for me, these “challenges” and my recent foray into the world of tonic-clonic seizures are all opportunities!

All opportunities? I can hear your mind spinning right now.

Yes, life is what we choose to make it. I choose to be positive and view every event as an opportunity to learn and discover more of what it takes to be me, with my chosen mission, in all circumstances. I choose to interrupt the usual perception of my circumstance being something for someone to pity or feel bad about.

I live consistent with my mission to bring more Joy, Love, and Peace to this planet. I create my World and my experience of it. I am not interested in being the poster child for non-speaking autistics, transplant recipients, or epileptics. I am interested in ensuring that I disrupt the status quo wherever I go, and in teaching people they only know what they know. I aim to get people thinking in ways they haven’t yet considered. I had hoped to do that with just my words, but apparently my meat sack and the Universe had alternate plans, so I roll with it.

Where are you interacting with your circumstance from a place of fear? Where are you inviting suffering rather than creating your World? Where have you integrated beliefs, filters, boxes and constructs that limit your thinking and have you going along with the status quo rather than listening to your inner knowing? I invite you to create your experience of life.

We are always the author of our own story. Choose your words and actions, such that you’re living a created life.

Lovingly and gratefully,

Image by jan mesaros from Pixabay