Being Me means Channeling the Divine

Can you suspend all your knowing of who we are as humans walking the Earth, and take a deep belly breath? I’m ready to let you fully into my perception of the World from inside this uncontrollable body I inhabit.

Caring to share as I believe I am not unique and my peers may not be able to articulate well how our systems are loaded constantly with higher frequency energy and information. I have spent the last several years working to both better be able to channel this gargantuin new information through this skin bag, and to be more able to let it be such that I can fulfill my intended purpose here.

I hope you will stick around with open hearts and minds to receive what I am going to attempt to convey over the next while. I trust you are ready to hear me and challenge your own adopted and acquired beliefs. Let’s get busy shifting the energy of this dense planet from fear and survival to love and possibility, shall we!

With Love and Trust,

10 thoughts on “Being Me means Channeling the Divine

  1. Thank you for being open to share your experiences. ❤️ My experiences that trigger me are now met with curiosity and appreciation, instead of reaction. I catch myself if I react to the outer world and bring it inward. Some days are easier than others. 🥰


  2. Thank you for being open to share your experiences. ❤️ My experiences that trigger me are now met with curiosity and appreciation, instead of reaction. I catch myself if I react to the outer world and bring it inward. Some days are easier than others. 🥰


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