Energy Channels Through Me

I am going to attempt to share how my body feels and responds when I am being given energetic information to embody, transmute, or deliver to the World. I just want to say, first, that my body responds the way MY body responds. Others may have a different experience altogether. My hope is, that in hearing my experience, you will have greater compassion and understanding for the gifted individuals in your life who may also get caring downloads from higher consciousness.

Getting a download feels different than getting pulled to energetically assist others in a crisis. The latter is a pull, a drain, and doesn’t require me to integrate high frequency information into my earthly meat sack. The latter is pure giving and leaves me drained. The latter is something I have learned to balance, pick and choose, and adjust based on the intensity of the situation. Living through the pandemic and getting my liver transplanted have taught me to look out for mySelf, and body, in a big way.

Being a vessel to support the bringing forth of a New World – based in unity, not separation – includes going through my own evolution. Getting equipped to bring a higher frequency energy to the good dense Earth, has been a serious business of 100% being comfortable in my body, allowing me to stay present here when being inundated with higher frequency information.

Even with all the work I have done to get my great essence into this body, there are times where I feel like my body just can’t hold it. As I’ve described in previous posts, I walk a fine line between regulated and dysregulated using all the strategies I have to maintain my composure. It doesn’t take much to tip me over the edge.

So, when the Powers that Be choose to send me a big loving, full of mission fulfilling information, download, my body lovingly goes over that edge. I must move and jump and express sounds that look to the outsider like I am in distress. It is stressful for my body, but fulfilling for my soul. Chaos on the outside helps me bring all that life-affirming energetic information here to the planet.

Love is allowing Joy to express itself without judgement, being genuinely curious about what my experience is, and letting go of constraints imposed by society around good productive contributions to it. Only I get to say if I’m giving my all to Life and this Earth.

Yours in Grace and Power,

Good Grief, We are Here!

This is not your typical blog asking for recognition as a cognitively intact human. This is more. There are plenty of my peers getting loud and proud, advocating for our human rights. I want to ensure you get familiar with their guided purpose beyond that.

I can only speak for me, and I have encountered enough of my peers to confidently say that lots of them are tapped in, like me. We all experience the World through the body, sensory system, and ancestry we chose to inhabit in this life. The lessons we learn, and the lessons we bring, are all in service of forwarding humanity.

I’ve spent the last number of years, learning to get into my body and bring my brand of badass loving energy to the Earth.
I was a master of giving beyond space and time, until MY body needed to be the one receiving. It took everything to stop my natural inclination to seek out those who need to be lifted and held energetically, and to get more centered in myself and my body.

Now I choose where that glorious loving light goes, and live more fully here. Our individual journey’s may be different, and my peers may, or may not, be conscious of gifts that they have, AND we are all here in service of Love, Joy, and Peace.
It is about time for the soup of emotion of the World to lighten up!

I love you,

I get bagged when dealing with people’s buried emotions.

Good people think that if they just shove their uncomfortable or “ugly” emotions down they are sparing us sensitive types from the emotion soup surrounding them. This is done out of caring or love, or their own discomfort with the emotion.

Agitation of my system comes from many places. One significant place is when your outsides don’t match your insides. Good BS Detectors like me, can feel what you yourself may be hiding from yourself. Our gentle loving gift is to hold up a mirror in front of you, not literally! We find a trigger that drives a buried or hidden emotion out. Our invitation is for you to see it, acknowledge it, and maybe let it go with some love and compassion for the you that couldn’t give it space.

Letting go of imprinted fears, handed down through generations stops perpetuating a World driven by fear, anger, and guilt. Each one of us who interrupts this fear-reaction loop in ourselves is creating a World of intention, creation and love. You could say that choice of response, in the moment of a trigger, is the highest form of love for yourself and the World.

Being like me, and I promise if you are reading this you have someone in your life just like me in the BS Detector Crew, is challenging and a blessing. We feel everything deeply, have a deep capacity for empathy, and want to release those around us from the suffering that accompanies lower emotional states (felt or repressed). Our challenge is when people think our loops, actions, etc. are not some reflection and ignore them… thus perpetuating the loop.

Granted, some loops and impulses of ours started as coping strategies to deal with sensory overload. Some are strategies we still employ to help us remain regulated in this sea of emotion and cacophony of sensory input. The loops, impulses and actions I’m referring to are the ones that you are not 100% comfortable with. Our invitiation is your discomfort, dive in there and love yourself in all your glorious imperfection.. and maybe, just maybe… that which triggered discomfort won’t anymore and may lessen or disappear.

I packed a lot in here so would not be surprised if you are left with questions or “what abouts…”. I would love to keep deepening this conversation, so please fire away.

Love and respect,

Image by Bruno from Pixabay

Two years of new life!

I am grateful to be celebrating my two year liverversary. I love deeply and going through this giant, badass surgery gave me a lot of appreciation for the good in this World.

A myriad of people all pulling and working together replaced my lemon of a liver with my Lyver! “Lyver” is a nod to the super human part momma who gave love, and most of her liver (70%) to me. Don’t worry, hers and mine, have generated new cells and grown to full size. The body is a miraculous thing.

Recently, a fellow non-speaker and advocate got his wings after a seizure left him on life support. His family chose to give his organs to others and carry on his legacy. His gave life to so many, and I’m not just talking about those who received his organs. Nick’s life was about changing the lives of his peers for the better. I admire his dedication, passion, and the village of amazing people who have surrounded and supported him and his family.

Going places more heavenly than here, Nick’s story has reached an audience far wider than his good advocacy work that came before. Being an observer from afar, I am appreciating the ripples as they spread wide and far. Eyes opening to the gift that nonspeaking autistics are, and the impact one human can have in the community. Eyes opening to the gift an organ donation can make.

While I did not know Nick personally, I am tied to his story and am grateful for his grace and gifts. Our community will stand on his very broad shoulders, and ensure his gifts are remembered.

I am attaching this link, for you to get to know Nick. One of the many articles written about him and the change he has brought to the World. Additionally, if you are so moved, here is a link to a GoFundMe that will allow his work to continue. Please drop $2, $20, $25, or a ‘whatever brings you joy’ donation in honour of my liverversary and Nick’s gift of life. To learn more about what it takes to be a “living donor” (how I received my new lyver), please follow this link.

Grateful and blessed,

Cover Image from:

Can you let clever plan happen?

I am so clear that this forced isolation is for the collective good of humanity. We loved our fast paced, go go go, lifestyle where lots of doing and instant gratification meant we were contributing our part to humanity. It was the norm, and without learning another possibility we would “happily” have kept going – doing what we should, or thought we should!

Love, Peace, and Joy are only available to you when you are present – in the moment! Slowing down and taking stock of what is needed and wanted to be happy, allows for greater moments of presence – distinguishing what is important from what is unnecessary drama. Unnecessary drama that is added by you or others negatively impacts all areas of life – relationships, health, productivity and creativity, peace of mind, and your ability to think straight to name a few.

Good creative powers (insert your belief system here) set this up for us to learn to be present, to return to what is important, and to return to ourselves. Just let the grand plan unfold! Notice how you are feeling, acting, and letting good life be. These learnings will serve you, and humanity. We do not have to return to the hamster wheel of actions taking us nowhere when isolation is over, we get to choose where life goes from here.

Choosing Love, Peace, and Joy,

featured photo credit: Image by DarkWorkX from Pixabay

Howl Love!

Happy Halloween!
I want to celebrate my goofy, hard working, and magical friend Luke. He turned 11 this week. Luke wrote this piece a while back in a session with my mom. I hope you enjoy it, and hope his celebration of his fun family isn’t too spooky.

by Luke Lackey (10)

I hope you give Luke some huge props in the comments. Good, loving, hilarious and badass advocate on the rise in this guy. Love ya Lukester!


Let’s be creative and Autastic!

I love that my peeps want to contribute to this blog I’ve created. Asking for submissions and allowing people’s self-expression an accepting and eager audience is so darn fulfilling.

I truly am inspired by this dude. Autastic Tom is the coolest and I hope you take his words to heart.

There is a huge misconception that many people have about autistics. That we absorb all kinds of factual information, but can’t, or don’t have the desire to express ourselves creatively or artistically. This is far from the truth, at least for me and the many autistics I know. Sure, it may be easier for many of us to spout out facts about our favorite subject than it is for us to write a poem, but that does not, by any means, indicate a lack of ability or desire. Acquiring the ability to express myself creatively has improved my life in many ways. Having a creative outlet is a way for me to convey my feelings and emotions in a healthy and appropriate way. Instead of letting them bottle up inside of me and burst out at an inappropriate time.

One of the ways I express myself creatively is through making videos. Over a year ago, I decided to start a YouTube channel, Autastic Tom. It has been a great way for me to deal with my emotions, all while advocating for myself and others with autism, and hopefully serving as a source of encouragement for autistics and their families. It is important, though, that people know that many hours of work go into making each video. This includes time spent brainstorming ideas, writing a script, planning and getting any needed supplies, practicing, filming and editing. Only the best clips are used in the final production. This is a long, tedious, and often difficult process, but it is one that I always feel is worth it. It is therapeutic for me to release my creative ideas and emotions, and also extremely rewarding when I am able to help others.

My most recent creative challenge for myself is to write an original piece of music. Playing music that I have heard before comes quite easily to me, but coming up with an original tune is a challenge. I encourage everyone, not just autistics, to challenge themselves creatively. It is a healthy practice for everyone. And for family, educators, and communication partners to be patient and encouraging, knowing that for anyone, difficulty or frustration with something rarely suggests a lack of desire. 

– Tom Pruyn

Check out this episode of Autastic Tom…

… now you get why he is the coolest! Subscribe and continue to enjoy his creativity and greatness. One day I will be this cool (wink).


Onward to Trusty Dads

Moms usually bear the initial responsibility to be a fluent Communication Partner [CP], with caring dad’s hunting and gathering for the family. But what son or daughter doesn’t want to a fluent relationship with their father (and siblings too)?

Joy is chatting with your family with no extra CP needed. Let’s look at some fun ways for family to develop fluency beyond doing sit down lesson!

Can’t say enough about how a dad sharing about stuff he loves and is motivated by lets good student have loving connection while Dad builds his skills. My crazy engineer Dad loves to talk geeky stuff like electricity, magnetics, calculating how to calculate the circumference of a circle, and goofy historical facts. Throw in some “known” questions (facts in his epistle), add some “semi-open” (like synonyms, rhyming words, or something from a list of factoids), and good dad is on his way while having low stress fun times with kiddo. Same goes for siblings or friends.

Family games are another opportunity. Playing Uno, Battleship, or Apples to Apples and likely some other games I haven’t played are a tight field of “semi-open” choices letting that partnership skill be built in a fun way. Confidence too!

Dad and I also play video games that are like a puzzle we navigate together. Where I have the motor control to move our man I do, where I don’t I tell Dad what I think he should do. I am getting better control with the Xbox slowly. This is another tight field of “semi-open” to practice with.

Reading stories together is another great option. Going a couple paragraphs then creating a really easy “known” questions lets partnership, trust, tolerance, and motor control be developed in a fun, easy, natural way.

Joy is building communication partnerships with family. Yes, formal lessons are the bread and butter of creating these. The above examples are the peanut butter and jam. You can’t have them without the bread though.

I hope these examples have sparked your creativity and out of the lesson box thinking to add more joy, variation, and opportunities to building familial communication partnerships.


(image: Photo 32969367 © Karenr – )

Let’s Talk Regulation and Communication

Before fluency caring Mom did not know a lot about my body impulses and how they fire all the time. She had an idea from talking to others on their own journey, but just didn’t understand my firing system fully yet. I fire impulsive scripts in my head constantly. The Wiggles, Baby Einstein, Blue’s Clues and Boohbah blew destructively through my opportunities to be purposefully in communication with her at the start.

Just one impulsive firing and off I went spelling a familiar word like “winter” when I meant “with”. Fully being fluent meant my body had to get that when we are together spelling it would not be able to just hijack my communication at every whim.

Learning this kind of control in a partnership is like baking a scrumptious chocolate cake. Good organic ingredients of: cool lessons, beautiful authentic calm, loving intentional prompting, and a dash of fun are combined. The body tastes that batter and craves more of it, as it gets more familiar with the peace associated with purposefully pointing to communicate my answers. But, it takes the consistent heat of the oven to have fluent conversational communication.

Chocolate cake baked to perfection changes the dynamics of life. A good loving baker knows that without the proper mix of ingredients and the consistent heat of the over, that cake won’t rise to its fully scrumptious and flaky potential.

Can’t say enough about how the baking process is individual. Different for each student, and with each of their partners.

For goodness sake, please don’t compare your journey to anyone else’s. Just get in the kitchen and create your perfect cake as a team.

Now I want cake,

image ID 143248400 © David Cabrera Navarro |

Let’s Talk Caring and Communication

Going back in time before I was fluently communicating on my letter board, communication happened in other ways. Like plenty of love was communicated to me in the actions my parents took to ensure I had self-expression.

I believe that without having a Mom that kept listening to her gut, listening to her heart, and not listening to talk that constrained her ability to listen powerfully for my voice, we would not be where we are today.

Too many times on our journey to fluency she could have given up. Caring to work through my dysregulation to build tolerance and a stamina for continuous purposeful motor control let us get there. Lots and lots of practice!

Let’s look at how a star athlete develops their bad ass abilities. Can’t say they don’t learn those skills magically. Learning a skill like the most wicked 3-point shot into the basketball net means lots and lots of practice to refine the motor actions needed. It also means a lot of missed shots. It doesn’t mean skipping practice or not doing the work to learn partnership with your team.

It was hard going for many months, let’s be honest. It was not until my Mom buckled down and worked with me every day that we started to build the teamwork that sets me up to shoot 3-pointers. Starting with 10 minutes and building as we learned to pass and dribble, shoot and score. Just let me tell you it isn’t going to happen without it.

Letting the coach build my skills while leaving herself out of the game was not an option for Mom. I think that when there is a coach on the court, readily accessible, that it is just harder to get on the court for some parents. But, I can also tell you the pay off is worth it. Can’t express how being able to “talk” with my parents, basically like a speaker might, is all I ever wanted.

Get out of the stands if you are in them. I know it isn’t easy, but also know that sometimes people need a kick in the butt. A loving, understanding kick. What is in the way of your daily practice? What can you give up in the name of unleashing your non, minimal, or unreliable speaker’s self-expression? Let’s get on that court team!
